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Wednesday, 03 August 2022

Bournemouth & Poole College are proud to announce their Level 3 CIM awarded marketing courses have been commended by the Chartered Institute of Marketing for a 100% achievement rate.

Bradley Lansdale, Course Leader and CIM Examiner at The College, said, “This recognition from the Chartered Institute of Marketing means that students know the knowledge they are gaining is relevant to the industry, up-to-date and accurate – all aspects of course content that we pride ourselves in at Bournemouth & Poole College. We look forward to working with the CIM long into the future.”

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Will Procter, now a lecturer at Bournemouth & Poole College, completed the Level 3 CIM awarded course at The College. He said, “Gaining a distinction on the digital marketing course at Bournemouth & Poole College has opened lots of new doors for me. Not only did it teach me new approaches to marketing, that I can use in industry, but it also helped me secure a lecturing job at The college. Although apprehensive about returning to education after leaving so long ago, the Staff and Team made it a fantastic, welcoming and engaging opportunity. As a dedicated learner, I really pushed myself to succeed on the course, but knowing I had such an experienced team of tutors to get support from really boosted my confidence and helped my success.”

Find out more about the CIM Level 3 course here.