Work Experience for Students

Work Experience Information for Students and Parents/Guardians
While at college, you will get the opportunity to participate in work experience with an external employer. Work experience is part of the study programme for students in further education. While Work Experience is often an exciting part of the college course, securing a work experience placement and navigating the workplace can be challenging. That is why the college has a designated team of work experience coordinators to walk alongside you.
What Is Work Experience?
Work experience, consists of 35 hours of unpaid work. You will approach an employer (preferably within an industry that could be linked with your course) with prearranged dates for your work experience week. Once confirmed, the work experience team will carry out health and safety checks and prepare you for your week’s work experience.
During the assigned week, you will attend work each day with the employer. Your work experience takes place instead of college that week, allowing you to develop industry experience and skills for your CV. The work experience team will oversee the process from start to finish, providing any necessary support along the way.
The Work Experience Team
Within the college, there is a designated team of work experience coordinators. Each coordinator specialises in a subject area to ensure that your work experience week is an enjoyable process. We will work with both you and the employer to see that this happens.
The Work Experience Team, can help you:
- Assist with finding a placement that aligns with your course
- Support with contacting employers (templates available)
- Apply for a DBS Certificate (for those working with children or vulnerable adults)
- Register for a Citizen Card (as a visual form of identification) if needed
- Prepare you for placement
Need Support with Work Experience? Get in Touch!
Speak with your Work Experience Coordinator
or Email the team via