Work Experience

Train A Future Generation
Each year, we help our students gain industry-based skills related to their courses by working with local businesses that provide work experience opportunities. The value to our students of being able to experience what it is like in a real workplace cannot be underestimated, even for a short amount of time. Over the years we have developed some fantastic partnerships with employers which are forever growing.
How Work Experience Works
All students on our college study programs are expected to engage in work experience (by guidance of the DfE). Typically, each department within the college allocates time for work experience into the academic calendar to ensure that students have this opportunity embedded within the curriculum. We encourage students to participate in work experience in order to strengthen their soft skills while gaining industry knowledge and experience.
We ask students to complete at least 35 hours of work experience on a voluntary basis. This takes place offsite, overseen by our Work Experience Coordinators, but sometimes tutors partner with external employers and set an alternative ‘live brief’.
Employers should note that a student may contact you directly to enquire about work experience. As a college, we may do the same. Once the work experience has been confirmed, we will carry out the relevant health and safety checks. We will also ask for evidence of your Employer’s Liaibility Insurance. Once this has been verified, we will provide you with any additional information about the student you will be working with and their Work Experience pack.
Employers who can provide a placement will be able to offer a highly beneficial placement, whilst reaping the rewards of working with our students. Offering work experience enables you to extend your organisation’s pipeline of talent and gives you an opportunity to inspire the future generation of your industry.
To find out more, contact us: Tel: 01202 205588