Upton Country Park Sensory Trail
Multiple Academic Fields of the College Involved in Innovative Design and Implementation of Sensory Trail
On Thursday, 23nd January, the college’s Carpentry students braved the rain showers to join Phoebe McMullen, Youth Social Action Apprentice in Student Inclusion and Support, at Upton Country Park to kick off the installation of a new sensory trail.
Many students and departments from Bournemouth and Poole College were part of the project from design brief to inception. Students in Engineering cut signs, students in Art and Design designed the map and Foundation students also had a say in what to include in the trail and creating the design brief for the map.
The students did a wonderful job, exceeding expectations by finishing five posts in a short timeframe. Phoebe, organising the project said she was “incredibly impressed by their teamwork, diligence and professionalism” - especially so - as they worked with the park's Operations team on the public trails.
Working in different environments to offer students the ability to see different applications of their skills, and how they might use them in the future is important. Some of the students worked next to an SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest), which was a significant responsibility, and allowed them to learn more about the importance of nature in the local region.
Phoebe extends a big thank you to both Dan and Steven from the Construction Department, who this wouldn't have happened without, and to the team at Upton Country Park for being so willing to work on this together!
Student Blake said: “Today has been good, I like to keep busy. This is good physical activity and helps me to be independent”, whilst anther Carpentry student, Tyler, said: I like that we came outdoors instead of staying in the workshops, we learn different things like maintaining wildlife and working as a team.”
Phoebe ended with: “Carpentry students have come to Upton Country Park today to help install a new sensory trail. This is something that lots of departments within Bournemouth and Poole College have already helped with, and it's brilliant to see even more students involved in bringing it to life. Working in different environments offers students the ability to see different applications of their skills, and how they might use them in the future. Some of our students worked next to an SSSI, which was a huge responsibility and allowed students to learn more about the importance of nature in the area we live.”

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