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Monday, 25 March 2024

Professional Services Development Day

On Tuesday, 19th March Bournemouth and Poole College held its yearly ‘Professional Services Development Day’. At the same time, lecturing staff went offsite; ‘back-to-the-floor’ and into employers and providers to return to the workforce. Staff attending the Professional Services Development Day could book on to a range of different talks and activities – from ‘The Art of Being Brilliant’ by Martin Burder.

Professional Services Development Day

Other guest speakers included: Lisa Pierson facilitating ‘Lego Serious Play’, Aaron Roach Bridgeman from Loudspeaker, with his ‘Finding Your Voice’ session and Jackie May delivering the ‘Acupressure for Wellbeing and Relaxation’ session.

Mark Collins, Welcome Team Coordinator said: “I really did enjoy the AI session and found some applications that may be very useful to my job, such as Grammarly. The afternoon sessions that you could choose – I chose Lego Play and Speed Networking. Again, both really good. The session on Lego was positive in general and very interactive and friendly (despite only having 45 minutes) and the speed networking – I met some lovely people to interact with and had some good conversations.”

Jo Daniel, organising the event, said: “It was a lot of work pulling the day together – but generally feedback has been overall very positive. We hold this event annually and a lot of people remarked the Data Guard was the most interesting for their work. Martin Burder’s Art of Being Brilliant went down really well too. Make sure you are hitting people’s 2%. If you know, you know ."

The next Professional Services Development Day will be held around the same time next year.