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Core Tasks

  • Negotiates and monitors contracted out services provided by the private sector to local government studies and acts upon any legislation that may affect the local authority.
  • Registers and maintains records of all births, deaths and marriages in local authority area, issues appropriate certificates and reports any suspicious causes of death to the coroner..
  • Co-ordinates and directs the activities of Revenue and Customs offices, Job Centres, Benefits Agency offices and other local offices of national government.
  • Advises national and local government on the interpretation and implementation of policy decisions, acts and regulations, and provides technical assistance in the formulation of policy.
  • Controls and administers budgets.
  • Prepares and reviews operational and financial reports.
  • Develops plans, sets objectives and monitors and evaluates performance.
  • Recruits and manages staff, assigns and delegates tasks and duties, makes changes in procedures to deal with variations in workload.
  • Analyses internal processes and systems, recommends and implements procedural and policy changes.
  • Coordinates the organisation’s services and resources, liaising with other senior staff.

Education Requirements

Level Percentage
Level 0 0.158689%
Level 1 1.711137%
Level 2 5.566422%
Level 3 9.534881%
Level 4-5 (Higher Education) 6.445978%
Level 6 (Bachelors) 45.358036%
Level 7 (Masters or equivalent) 29.565388%
Level 8 (Doctorate) 1.65947%

Salary Levels


Potential Salary


Entry Level Salary


Average Salary


Annual Openings