Access to HE (Higher Education)

Thinking about returning to education to get that degree? Looking for a change in career or progress at work? Not been in a classroom for years? An Access to HE course may be for you.
Access to HE Diplomas are designed specifically for adults aged 19 years or older, who are looking to study a Degree Level course, but who may not have the relevant formal entry qualifications. So if you’re changing direction in your career or getting back into education after family or other commitments, the Access to HE Diploma is the perfect qualification to get you on the right road to a Degree.
An important note about English and Maths
As a standard entry requirement, universities will often now require you to have a full GCSE at grade 4 or above (formerly C) in English and Maths, rather than other Level 2 equivalences before you study with them. This is not part of the Access to HE Diploma and it's important you contact the universities where you intend to study to check exactly what they need from you.
Our Access to HE Diplomas are validated by The Cambridge Access Validating Agency (CAVA). CAVA is licensed by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA).
Advanced Learner Loan
You may be eligible for a government-backed Advanced Learning Loan to help pay for your Access to HE Diploma.
You can find out more information here.
Advice and Guidance
If you're unsure about the best route for you, you can speak to our friendly specialist team of advisers.
How to Apply
Choose the Access course you are interested in, using the Course Search, click on "Apply now" and simply apply online!
Pre-Access courses
If you need to brush up your skills before joining an Access programme, we offer a Pre Access (Return to Study) course. This is designed to boost your self-confidence and empower you to get back into the classroom. Just type, "Pre Access" into the course search box, to find out more.
After training as an apprentice electrician for three years, I knew that I no longer wanted to pursue this as a career. I had been experimenting with computer programming, developing apps (for Apple devices) in my spare time, and so really developed an interest in programming. I decided I wanted to study it at university but didn’t have the right qualifications to get onto a degree course. When I found the Access to Computing course at The Bournemouth and Poole College, I knew it would help me achieve my aspirations.
The facilities at The College are great. You have access to all the latest software, the course is well structured and at the right level, and the tutors are excellent.
I really feel like The Bournemouth and Poole College has put a lot into it. As well as teaching you the knowledge, the course also prepares you for university. It teaches you how to write assignments and reports, and even Harvard Referencing! Going to university doesn’t seem so daunting now.
Kieran Foley, Access to Computing