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Core Tasks

  • Performs pastoral care duties, preaches sermons and conducts some services in accordance with the relevant faith or denomination.
  • Keeps up to date with legislation.
  • Maintains records and compiles reports on clients.
  • Helps to put together care plans and follows professional’s care plans.
  • Organises day, residential and home care services.
  • Assists and liaises with professionals in social work, the probation service and related welfare areas.
  • Advises individuals and families experiencing problems about available resources to assist them.
  • Advises on rights and entitlements in relation to benefits, health, discrimination and welfare.

Education Requirements

Level Percentage
Level 0 1.5413%
Level 1 2.64789%
Level 2 11.691053%
Level 3 22.22702%
Level 4-5 (Higher Education) 10.590379%
Level 6 (Bachelors) 40.065533%
Level 7 (Masters or equivalent) 10.909758%
Level 8 (Doctorate) 0.327068%

Salary Levels


Potential Salary


Entry Level Salary


Average Salary


Annual Openings