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Core Tasks

  • Plans, directs and administers aid to civilian authorities as requested or when faced with civil disorder, natural disaster or other emergency.
  • Supervises the operation of military units and monitors the activities of junior officers, NCOs and other ranks.
  • Plans, directs and co-ordinates military training and manoeuvres.
  • Advises and provides information on military aspects of defence policy.

Education Requirements

Level Percentage
Level 1 4.039935%
Level 2 10.72009%
Level 3 17.035391%
Level 4-5 (Higher Education) 3.034926%
Level 6 (Bachelors) 35.981293%
Level 7 (Masters or equivalent) 29.188364%

Salary Levels


Potential Salary


Entry Level Salary


Average Salary


Annual Openings