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Core Tasks

  • Decides on storage conditions for particular items, allocates warehouse space and arranges for regular stock inspections to detect deterioration or damage.
  • Prepares reports on expenditure and advises on materials and parts standardisation, future stores and stock control policies.
  • Advises purchasing department on type, quality and quantity of goods required and dates by which they must be available.
  • Reviews, develops and implements stock control, handling and distribution policies to maximise use of space, money, labour and other resources.
  • Liaises with production, maintenance, sales and other departments to determine the materials and other items required for current and future production schedules and sales commitments.

Education Requirements

Level Percentage
Level 0 4.638714%
Level 1 7.204033%
Level 2 29.950401%
Level 3 29.302635%
Level 4-5 (Higher Education) 8.307134%
Level 6 (Bachelors) 18.641586%
Level 7 (Masters or equivalent) 1.955497%

Salary Levels


Potential Salary


Entry Level Salary


Average Salary


Annual Openings