Adam Byatt, Former Specialsed Chef Apprentice

Adam Byatt, Michelin Star, Trinity Restaurant London. Specialised Chef Bournemouth and Poole College Dorset

Adam Byatt, former Specialised Chef Apprentice

“I’ve been awarded a Michelin Star, an Oscar in the culinary world!”

Adam now runs restaurants in London including Trinity Restaurant. As well as publishing his own books he is also a regular guest on BBC TV’s Saturday Kitchen Live.

Enrolling on the Academy Specialised Chefs course at The Bournemouth & Poole College was a huge turning point in my life. The excitement of learning and feeling of achievement suddenly made sense for the first time.

Whilst at The College you are being taught by people who know and work closely with the industry, they are among the best in their field. If you put the work in, you will leave equipped to thrive inside quality establishments.

The attention to detail and level of training is unparalleled at The College. If you add this to a culture of professional learning that runs through the campus and even someone like me, with an incredibly low tolerance for academia, can thrive!

I left The Bournemouth & Poole College with a new found confidence, bursting with knowledge and ready for full time employment in some of London’s most highly regarded restaurants and Hotels.

I always wanted to own a restaurant and be in control of my future. The depth of classical cookery I learned during my Apprenticeship not only gave me the confidence to pursue my dream but also armed me with the skills I needed to make it a success. I have built a life that fulfils me professionally and that I am proud of.

Aside from my personal successes, what inspires me the most is taking on apprentices from The Bournemouth & Poole College and playing a small part in the development of their future.

My kitchen now has Spec Chef’s, all trained in simply the most advanced professional Chef School this country has to offer.

Read about the award of Adam’s first Michelin Star!